How do I get an S-Rating?

Location with fewer than 10 employees

Company locations with fewer than 10 employees can arrange to be exempted from participating in the S-Rating. The following steps are required for this:


  1. Fill out and sign this document attached below and then send it to us. 

  2. Make sure that the correct number of employees for the location is indicated in the SAQ.

  3. If the number of your employees indicated in the supplier database differs from the number in the SAQ: Get in contact with the Bisnode customer service department so that your information filed in the database can be compared and updated if necessary. You can contact the customer service department at


You can get more information on the data filed about you from Dun & Bradstreet

We will be happy to provide you with further help at if you have questions about an exemption from the S-Rating or when information about the size of your company has been updated.

S-Rating training offers

We want to support you on your path to greater sustainability. That is why we regularly offer training programs that explain the S-Rating in detail and lead you through the steps necessary to obtain it.